Sequentify develops genomic samples processing products and technologies, prior to sequencing hardware loading
InfiniSeq probes inherently encompass all the essential motifs for constructing a sequencing library, thereby reducing the need for ligation and intricate internal purification processes. Consequently, this streamlines the workflow into a straightforward 4-step procedure, with a total duration of only 3.15 hours
Enabling genomic diagnostics

Users can seamlessly adopt a pooled-sample workflow with the assurance that their allele frequencies will remain unaffected.
Pool Samples After First Step
The novel InfiniSeq protocol allows users to pool samples together right after the first step.
With our innovative technology, each individual sample can be indexed during the initial step of the process, streamlining workflows and instantly converting any lab into a high-throughput laboratory. This also helps to minimize the potential for human error while reducing plastic consumption.

InfiniSeq probes inherently encompass all the essential motifs for constructing a sequencing library, thereby reducing the need for ligation and intricate internal purification processes. Consequently, this streamlines the workflow into a straightforward 4-step procedure, with a total duration of only 3.15 hours
Enabling Genomic Diagnostics

Performance Metrics
A great solution for small to mid-range sized panels.
Easily catch thousands to tens-of-thousands of targets in one reaction.

* A panel with a footprint of 30Kbp is equivalent to the coding region of approximately 3 genes; a footprint of 175Kbp, is equivalent to approximately 15 genes; a footprint of 690Kbp is equivalent to approximately 60 genes; and a footprint of 1Mbp is equivalent to approximately 80 genes

Sequentify Ltd.
10 Moti Kind, St, 5th Floor, Rehovot, Israel 7638519

One of the distinct attributes of InfiniSeq probes is their capacity to accommodate the design of multiple probes targeting the same genomic feature. This guarantees thorough coverage of the most crucial segments within the panel.
Probe Capture vs. Amplicon vs. InfiniSeq
InfiniSeq distinguishes itself by employing a unique approach that isn't reliant on either probe-capture or amplicon technologies. This methodology offers several benefits over the latter. While many probe-capture protocols deliver excellent performance, they are often complex and time-consuming. Conversely, amplicon-based protocols are generally quicker and simpler, yet they face significant limitations in multiplexity. Additionally, in both technologies, panel costs usually increase linearly with size. InfiniSeq, however, integrates the strengths of these two methods while introducing its own set of advantages.

a panel with a footprint of 30Kbp is equivalent to the coding region of approximately 3 genes; a footprint of 175Kbp, is equivalent to approximately 15 genes; a footprint of 690Kbp is equivalent to approximately 60 genes; and a footprint of 1Mbp is equivalent to approximately 80 genes

UMI (Unique Molecular Identifier)
Confidently report low somatic allele frequencies.
Every InfiniSeq probe contains a UMI, enabling users to execute noise correction analysis and mitigate biases potentially introduced during PCR amplification

Removal of PCR duplicate errors and enhancing low VAF calling
Accurate variant allele frequency (VAF) detection
Enhancing true variant calling
True positive calling
Generating a consensus sequence, clearing erroneous reads
False positive removal
Confidently report low somatic allele frequencies.
Every InfiniSeq probe contains a UMI (Unique Molecular Identifier), enabling users to execute noise correction analysis and mitigate biases potentially introduced during PCR amplification
Limit of Detection (LOD)
Unique Molecular Identifiers, in conjunction with the inherent characteristics of InfiniSeq probes, enable high precision in detecting allele frequencies as minute as 0.5%. This enhanced accuracy is particularly beneficial in needle-in-haystack scenarios, or when precise quantification of allele frequencies is vital.

Sequentify is proud to be ISO13485 accredited.
All Sequentify products are designated as RUO and intended for research use only

Pool samples after first step
The novel InfiniSeq protocol allows users to pool samples together right after the first step
With our innovative technology, each individual sample can be indexed during the initial step of the process, streamlining workflows and instantly converting any lab into a high-throughput laboratory. It also helps to minimizie the potential for human error while reducing plastic consumption.